Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Everyman's Journal 2011,#71

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

November 9

Ultimately, all beliefs are false.

Dr. John Ray (founder of Body Electronics)


Life continues to not miss a beat. No sooner had I finished sending out #70 yesterday but my name was called and I was ushered into the waiting dental chair, where I expected to receive an implant screw (the base upon which to place an implant crown). But once again (upon gum opening and examination) my body had failed to convert the previous June's surgeries grafting material into solid jaw foundation bone. So for the third time, we grafted again. It wasn't fun or pretty, but nobody complained. I especially am 'not pretty' right now, my face being the home of a very swollen and sore upper jaw, and so, following my dietary and healing beliefs, I am again in bed water-fasting for several days, with one very significant exception. I am ingesting a course of antibiotics also.

I have held very strong negative beliefs about the use of antibiotics, believing with a passionate conviction that they are poisons. I have absolutely refused to use them for the last twenty years of my life, including all the multiple times my beloved dentist has begged me to reconsider over the past several years of our association. Yet I also live 'as my word', and in the midst of the surgical trauma yesterday, I chose to create peace with my dental team (who all know me very well and whom I know love me… I am 'their artist') by finally saying 'OK, I will take them'.

Of course, I have since vacillated in my mind a bit, but in the end, my Word is my Word, and (after online research about the drug) I ingested the first pill a few hours ago. Through this, spirit is guiding me to remember that not everything (actually almost nothing) is as it seems. There is, for instance, a verse in the Bible somewhere that says that 'if you bless your food with God's presence, even if it is poison, it will not harm you' (that verse is the foundation of why practicing Christians pray and bless their food). And in A Course In Miracles, I remember texts teaching us to not believe in magic… and using taking medicines etc as examples of magical beliefs. So my commitment in this is to turn this into a practice… similar to the way a Zen Master archer does not release the arrow until all he sees is only the bullseye. For me, I am taking the time necessary to focus and pray upon these pills each time I take one until all thought that they are poison is removed from my mind, and instead, wait until I know they are fully saturated with angelic and holy healing energies, and my being knows that only good will be allowed to come to me from taking them.

If you would also so join me in thought, I would be grateful, as there is support power in your thoughts. In the opening quote from Dr. John Ray, I am finding my deeper peace… and by remembering that this universe is truly only God's dream… and that as beings, we are eternal. The entire purpose of our lives is simply to remember our true selves, that self that is invulnerable. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of 'the Lord' forever." In this moment, I am thinking that 'the Lord' is the Oneness who is awaiting my full discovery of itsSelf within my Self.




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Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

(my fine art website)

(archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004)

(archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles)

(archived entries of this years Everyman's Journal)

(info on The Love Declaration)

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