Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Everyman's Journal 2011, #77

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

December 15

Back in Yuma a few days now (from 18 days in New Mexico), while allowing the rhythms of my life stabilize, I find I am pondering two things. I'm sure neither is coincidental, of course.

One is a teaching of Jesus… "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The second is an understanding that arose as internal percolation fallout from watching one of the closing scenes of a movie called 'The Contender' (which is a 'political witch-hunt' plot about what a woman Senator who is nominated to become VP has to endure to maintain her integrity).

The 'thinketh' pondering have been liberating…. It's like as in ACIM, where the truth is simple but not necessarily easy to see. The key is 'heart'. And, the realization that who I AM IS my Heart. Programed guilt would have me believe a self-condemning image whenever I am experiencing irritation, or dislike, or judgement towards another… like that 'see, who do you think you are… you are just as petty as the rest of us'. And yes, I admit to also still having plenty of those kind of experiences. BUT… I have had a breakthrough distinguishing and recognizing that all THOSE NEGATIVE FEELINGS ARE NOT ARISING FROM MY HEART! Even in the middle of an upset, I've discovered they are NOT the truth (of me). It's simple. I just (as soon as I remember to) reach out to my Heart, and 'it's right there'… that the truth is that I do not (in my heart) harbor negativity toward anyone. I just don't. I (the I that my Heart is) just wish to Love it All… meaning everyone and everything.

So what harbors the negativity? Obviously, all that is in my mind. Now that IS a big order to tackle, and I have spent most of this life in pursuit of a peaceful and guilt-free mind (and progress has been made). But that is not the subject today. Today the subject is very simple… it's simply to underline that statement of Jesus… that it is NOT what you think in your MIND that is 'who you are' (if that were true we'd all actually be the condemned beings we've been spending this lifetime believing and fearing we were)… Rather, 'who we are' arises from a completely different location: our Heart. And guess what? I assert that (until buried by the fear conditioning that we accept as 'reality' on this earth) we are ALL BORN INNOCENT. None of us really hate or dislike each other at all… we've just been conned into believing we do by the passing down from generation to generation of the historical and accumulated poisons unhealed within the minds of our parents and social conditioners.

To me, this is VERY liberating. Because as I said, even as I can feel my unhealedness still active within me, AT THE SAME TIME I can also feel my truth. And it's the truth of my heart. At that point, I have a choice, and with having that choice, I have the freedom of my own integrity.

Which leads, of course, to my second pondering… In the movie scene that opened my head up, I listened to a very clear dialogue. It was about being a stand for a principle, in this movie example, a woman's right to own her own sexuality AND that her private sexuality was not 'the public's business'. When the Jeff Bridges 'President' asked her why she was refusing to answer the witch-hunting Congressional committees questions and thereby easily move on to being confirmed as VP, she answered "because it is not anyone else's business… especially, it is not the governments business". Then she continued, "In the 1950's McCarthy hearings, the first witness answered all kinds of invasive and unlawful questions, and from then on, the heads flew… What would have happened if he had refused? What if he had stood for the principle of having a right to privacy and what if he had made it tough on that committee of head-hunters? How would our history now be different?

It was a very thought provoking dialogue...

What I am pondering from this is the impact of 'the stand' that our life is, whether we recognize it or realize it or not. It's like, can we BE TRUE? I mean, in the face of the world's continual teaching of self-compromise 'in order to survive'. Especially, can we be true to our original innocence. ACIM teaches 'complete vulnerability is invulnerable'. That ideal holds a tremendous and powerful gift, I suspect. And I am certain that the access to it lies in remembering that who we actually are is the Love within our heart.




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Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

(my fine art website)

(archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004)

(archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles)

(archived entries of this years Everyman's Journal)

(info on The Love Declaration)

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