Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Everyman's Journal 2011, #69

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

November 1

Being 'fully present' and 'having no prejudices' (pre-judgements) are exactly the same thing, for the absence of either makes the other impossible.


Returning late last night to Yuma after a 19 day walkabout/workabout in New Mexico, I awoke this morning in an 'integration' mode. I saw that the theme of my personal curriculum continues to be 'the radical unlimitedness of Love'… and that this New Mexican journey had been chock full of expanding and learning opportunities along the lines of this theme. To me, the spiritual journey is like a spiral circle ever ascending, so that while the views continue to return with familiar regularity, they are seen from a heighten perspective each time they come around again. This gives us/me the opportunity to reexamine the learning previously assimilated, and add in the richness of recently honestly earned depth of being to them.

Take spiritual prejudice, for instance. In one of my recent conversations an old soul friend expressed that he had never known me to be a spiritually biased person, and I agreed that in my general self-view, I am not. Yet when I add in the growth theme of 'the radical unlimitedness of Love', I see that in many ways that are not even all that subtle, I have been prejudiced towards various other communities of faith. No openly, not verbally, but simply by limiting my willingness to participate or be involved. A prime obvious example is 'fundamentalist Christianity', where I have held little hope of finding deep affinity with being holding those views. But less obvious are many other faith views… prejudices which have been hidden from my own view.

I am integrating that my experiences in New Mexico have been about breaking all these hidden prejudices up, about exposing them within myself to myself, about deepening my own self-honesty. And then to allow in the radical unlimitedness of Love, which naturally includes ALL expressions of Love, without limit. I was guided to and revisited my 'somewhat distanced' relationship with Sufism, and found my heart filled when I attended a lovely Sufi retreat, meeting a new teacher of that way who inspires me to relook with new openness. I discovered new space within me for Catholicism as I listened recently to a friend testify of his growth gained by joining a Benedictine Monastery. I worked in a new intimacy and openess with the LDS communities that I was providing service to, and discovered that Love would have me Be Love there also. As the Zen teaching writes, I found everywhere the opportunity to 'move among and intermingle withoutdistinction' (ie, without judging), and in so practicing, received in return a greater fullness of Love.

Remember a while back when I wrote "if God allows it, can I?" This is a corollary of Love's radical unlimitedness. Another is the simple practice of appreciation…. of intentionally looking for what can be appreciated in the expression of other. Godness allows us amazing, infinite space to be individualized expressions of Him/Her. What creates Heaven Here is our honest appreciation of each other, our willingness to see the Godness Principle active in each others lives, no matter the apparent disparities.

Such willingness is the foundation of all peacemaking, both in ourselves, and by extension, in the world.




My partnership request.... Please consider yourself an important gateway this message is passing through on its way to others. Please do 'send it on'. Thank you.


Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag



(my fine art website)


(archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004)


(archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles)


(archived entries of this years Everyman's Journal)


(info on The Love Declaration)

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Everyman's Journal 2011, #68

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 26

The essence of wholeness is best found in the radical unlimitedness of Love.


In a world of boundaries and limits, authentic Love knowns none. That is its power…. that is why it is the Supreme Power…. because radically unlimited Love is capable of being fully Itself under any circumstances. There is no denying that in our world of illusions we have created an opposite to love, and that while in the world, we all swim to some degree in the daily experience of that opposite, for that is the standard content and curriculum of this world... if fact, in a way, it is the purpose of this world (as a soul maturity training ground). Yet to the truly self-honest being comes the certainty and knowing that only the Love is real. Here the mind can rest and become unified. And it then becomes our daily opportunity to examine our beliefs and feelings rigorously, and to tell first ourselves, and then the world that gives us 'listening', the truth about the illusions that have been using our lives. This is the path of 'the truth setting you free'. This is how a being becomes known as a person whose word is straight, a person who does not bow to false gods. This is what true integrity is… to honor and know yourself as true to your being, and to honor and know your being as One with your Source.




My partnership request.... Please consider yourself an important gateway this message is passing through on its way to others. Please do 'send it on'. Thank you.


Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag



(my fine art website)


(archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004)


(archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles)


(archived entries of this years Everyman's Journal)


(info on The Love Declaration)

To subscribe, simply click on the code below to open the subscribe window.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Everyman's Journal 2011, #67

© Rev. David Seacord

October 23

The easiest way to empower and encourage another is simply to appreciate them.


Our lives are meant to be happy experiences, full of innocence and joy. Whenever it is ever anything else, something has 'gone wrong', and illusions that are not real have appeared, hypnotizing our minds, claiming to be real. Becoming grounded in being present requires each of us to develop an ever more accurate ability to discern between what is true and what is hypnotic illusion. The only fully-trustable standard of discernment I know in this self-education process is 'selflessness'… in other words, (minimally) recognizing that another's worth is equal to our own. This recognition allows us entry into the halls of humbleness and humility, and we can gratefully leave our delusional burdens of arrogance at the door. On this floor of lightness, of equalness, the discovery of each others beauty is precious and thrilling, and also deeply fulfilling. For this is the actual purpose of the Divine Plan in creating our individual soul rays… that we, in selfless maturity, could in-Joy the endless beauty of each other. This is life as the dance of God.

And here is the only requirement to have this be ALL the time: That we see that everything is part of this dance. For how can there be any exclusion of the application of truth that does not invalidate truth? There is no way it is possible. As the ancient Zen master wrote: Simply cease to cherish opinions. Make a single separation and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart.

As our hells are all built of our separations, our Heavens are all built of our Unity. May the practice of seeing Oneness guide us this day to the happiness which is our natural state.



Everyman's Journal 2011, #66

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 21

Recognizing our mistakes or blindnesses is the first step to growing beyond them; being willing to share and expose them makes our personal experience valuable to others and invaluable to ourselves.


The nature of truth is that it is self-obvious, when finally seen.

I am a guest in a small community in Albuquerque at the moment. I leave in the morning and do my work all day, and return at night to connect a bit socially, and rest . A couple of days ago another guest arrived, a woman who I had met once briefly a year ago. I knew nothing about her. That was what I was blind to… because I blindly lived like I did, without recognizing my arrogance. Then last night I overheard her having a phone conversation, and in so doing discovered she was well-known to many of my other friends, and in fact had just come from personally taking care of an ill friend of mine in Florida for the last three months.

I was shocked that I had been so unaware, and at the exposure of my blindness. I know that nobody else (who knew her) had told me much about her, but I also know I had been self-absorbed in my own world and hadn't asked. I had just made up a story in my head about her 'from appearances' and then lived like my story about her was true.

I cleaned-up up at the next opportunity to speak with her, sharing the revelation of my blindness, and thanking her for her service to my friend. She generously forgave me, and we had a good first 'real' conversation.

Once again, as is often the case, we teach best what we need to learn most (a quote from Richard Bach). I teach openness and non-judgement. Today, I am grateful to this great and good and loving and fully alive non-accidental universe for bringing me this lesson about actually BEING non-judgmental, again, 'right on time'.

My peace this day to you all…



Everyman's Journal 2011, #65

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 18

Personal significance is a trap. The path out is always self-less.


Papaji often said "If you touch it, it will bite you…". I am sure he was speaking of all our/my holy cows… i.e., the things/events in our world that we continue to make 'special' instead of seeing in them 'more equalness'. In American culture, the most significant personal day is generally our 'birthday'… and it's a day we are supposed to be happy. Yesterday was that day for me, and if it had been 'just another day', it would have been a fine, good day. But all day long, I experienced (like a low-grade fever) a low-grade unhappiness, which egoically, I worked hard to hide from myself and others (basically lying to the few well-wishers who knew…that called or sent messages etc… that I was having a great day). What I was really doing was battling my unhappiness on my supposed to be especially happy day. The grace of all this was the thunderclap of the wakeup moment when I finally remembered myself…. the moment when my memory finally gave me access to the thought that I needed to break the ego-spell. That thought was: "There is only one choice, really, to make in life: do you chose to be happy, or not?" (It's from a book called 'The Untethered Soul' by Micheal A. Singer).

The wake up was instant. Euphorically, with a big "Yes!" (and slapping my knee) I choose again to be happy. Period. With everything exactly as it was. And suddenly, like a rainbow appearing, I was very happy.

Such is the power of our thought… our correct perspective. It is the gift of 'the trained mind' (as contrasted with the ACIM teaching that "the untrained mind can accomplish nothing"…). As we are led through this life, and the curriculum provides us our testing moments, it is our training that breaks the spell. I am trained to be grateful for it all… otherwise the equalness will never be seen, and blindness would be unbroken. What great good luck to have been led once again into suffering, and to once again re-discover that correct and true thoughts can and do instantly free me.

I write these words simply to more completely embody this knowledge in myself. I pray the same for you.



Everyman's Journal 2011, # 64

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 17

Blessed by Your Love, I receive this moment as a Gift. Within it I find all my Heart yearns for. For always, You Know me, and by receiving Your Love, I know You.


Being full is followed by being empty which is followed by being full which is followed by being empty which is followed by being full. Throughout all the permutations of temporal reality that make up the ever changing content of our lives, the constant Presence of Love is always our/my true Home. It is that place within our/my Heart that always exists, and always accepts what IS in Peace. To know this place intimately gives us/me a foundational rock of sanity… a view that sees the Almighty Hand of Divine Purpose at work everywhere. I trust my life into those hands, and it is my Joy to be in service to them. May your life also be likewise blessed and full (and then empty, and then full :-).



PS... As I am busy traveling and working around New Mexico for a couple of weeks, I apologize for my recent and probable future posting irregularities.

Everyman's Journal 2011, #63

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 13

Dear Beloved Holy Self-awareness,

Today, I am humbled by your intimate friendship, which is simply so 'true to itself' that I am left breathlessly whole at any time and in any moment I surrender my mind into a union with You. My greatest power is the power to choose to choose You….


This is what 'communion' really is…. a relinquishment of self identity… and an entering of a self-less identity. Personally, the experience is simple. By the 'grace of practice' I awaken in the moment and recognize who I am thinking I am is not 'real', and with that recognition automatically my 'I' expands and 'I' know myself as 'more', as being 'of everything', and as 'of the Unity'. Being silent within, and willing to allow this 'not knowing' process to happen again and again and again… that is my spiritual path. If ever I am falsely empty or falsely full, this is the water of truth I am given to drink, that sobers me with Reality.



Everyman's Journal 2011, #62

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 12

Dear Wholeness of Life, Before you entered me I knew nothing. I thank you for the great good luck of your impregnation, for in yielding to it --completely and without reservation-- I discover I am fulfilled.


It is difficult to be half-pregnant, but in the spiritual domain, a lot of us try. Complete surrender of our lives to the 'control' of a 'higher power' just isn't all that easy for our egos, we say…. So we resist the irresistible flame, but thank God it does no good. And secretly, if we tell the truth, this brings us great Happiness. It's like a tug of war that we know we are outmatched in, and we know we are going to lose…. but… it is that very knowing that gives us permission to 'fight on'… because knowing the outcome makes the journey only a game…. a wonderful game… all pretense and drama… but in the end, like two lovers remembering their true love for each other in the middle of a heated argument, we know we love losing ourselves to God.



Everyman's Journal 2011, #61

©2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 11

First, my today's Facebook post:

Dear Great Infinite Peace Within Me, Although I have forgotten You innumerable times for the illusions of this world, You have never abandoned me. Whenever I have Remembered You, You are Still, and You are Here. From You my true Being arises.

Now, my additional commentary:

We all forget Reality so much that it usually occurs as a spiritual event when we finally Remember for a few moments…. at least this has been true for me much of my life. But as Hazarat Inayat Khan said (paraphrased), 'It is not how many times one fails, but rather how many times after such failures that one rises up and begins again… that is what determines our destiny'.

And so each of us journeys through this life on the road of experience, learning tiny piece by tiny piece, the lessons of the Divine Curriculum. These all boil down to recognizing that the very idea of having a separate personal identity is unreal… that we are all not only unified, we are One Being.

From this realization, it is literally impossible to hate 'any other', for we have seen we are them, too. Now the 'peace that passeth understanding' can enter, for in a world of non-duality (no 'other'), nothing is separate, or pushed away, or excluded… it is all 'just what IS' and it is seen as perfectly balanced, with nothing missing. What IS in our life is then our personal curriculum…. our best direct path to learning the many lessons of LOVE.

Only our ego's tell us differently… that something is wrong. I suggest 'Don't listen'. As Prasad taught me: "Don't believe your mind." It is good advise. It will allow allow the 'Great Infinite Peace Within You' to be a daily Presence.



Everyman's Journal 2011, #60

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 8

To get back into the habit of writing again, for the last few days, I've been posting a short 'insight thought' on Facebook. Here's today's, just to share….


If God 'allows it', can I?

I have come to see that 'resistance IS futile', and therefore choose to 'practice acceptance: being with what is'. My ego doesn't not always like this of course, and I can still feel the hooks of old injustices and angers calling for me to give up my Peace and 'surrender to the Dark Side', but the course is clear: What is required to stay awake while I inhabit a body in this world is both deep compassion AND deep detachment. I find these two make an excellent team, especially when harnessed-up behind the wagon of selfless service.


An additional Everyman's Journal commentary:

The Reality is, of course, that God 'allows' everything. This is different than 'God creates everything', which is untrue, at least at the level of understanding that the ego-identified-mind operates at. The journey to true being contains unavoidable curriculum in being fully responsible for our own creation of the circumstances of our existence here. This is, after all, simply a school for consciousness growth, and nothing is really 'as it appears'. In other words, it's all happening 'to us' to help us See. What better way to master Seeing than to be required to fully pierce 'the Mystery'. That piercing, to my experience, is short-circuited and nullified whenever we lose our connection to our Peace, to Acceptance, to the Silence of our Being. And the fastest way I know to lose those connections is to resist what is. To paraphrase my favorite Zen teaching: To resist what is even a little sets Heaven and Earth infinitely apart.

Therefore, I suggest the practices of non-judgement to everyone.



Everyman's Journal 2011, # 59

© 2011 Rev. David Seacord

October 6

What can I say? It's obvious there have been no Everyman's Journal editions sent out for quite a while. And now (finally) the universe is nudging me out of my other focuses and reminding me that writing my journal IS a good idea, at least once in a while. At least often enough so that I don't raise concerns for my welfare, you know, like I died or something….

So to those that what written and inquired, thank you. I have received your love. And now I am writing this catch-you-up-report with that same love.

Bottom line, everything is as it needs to be, and the lessons for me during the past three months have been right on time. But this is not the blow-by-blow version of those learnings…. those are material for future, more sharply focused editions…

So this is the thumbnail overview, ok?

Here goes… I launched www.thelovedeclaration.org in early July. I was happy that is now existed. Then, because of commitments to art festivals in Oregon in early August, I spent the rest of the month focused on painting new work, and after making sure my mother was well-set/stocked for my extended absence, I went to Oregon, my body receiving a very welcome respite from the above 110 daily temperature highs that are common throughout the Yuma summers.

My art shows were well received and fun, but not very profitable due to general economic conditions. But I know my agreement with God is 'I will always be taken care of', so I figured Source would find another way (that also did happen, btw). I also visited family and friends in several locations, and then I went into the Oregon Cascades, found an isolated clean spring, set up camp, and fasted for a while. It was wonderful to be both cleaning my body and clearing my mind in a humanely temperate climate. :-).

In early September, phone conversations with my mother convinced my heart it was time to head back to 'the heat'. I spent one lovely day in the Sacramento valley wild-foraging/harvesting fig trees, and brought the results (those that I didn't eat, I mean) back to 'the heat' where I dehydrated them naturally. Also, as soon as I returned I realized it was time to prepare for the fall gardening season. That… building beds, turning in compost, planting etc, required a lot of time. But I am happy to report good sized young squash and zukes and lettuces and tomato plants as the current physical results of my efforts.

And right now, in a few days, I leave again for New Mexico (for up to three weeks of piano service work).

That's the physical thumbnail update. None of it addresses or shares the growth of my heart as I have lived these past months… or the adventures of sharing The Love Declaration everywhere I have been as I have traveled… like a Love Declaration 'Johnny Appleseed' (I hope the reference is understandable--- in the 1800's he planted apple trees all over the western US…)

So, one little story….

At a very crowded CA freeway gas station while returning south, I parked behind a large pickup. The large 'working-class' man beside the pickup walked over to my window, and made the friendly suggestion that since he was filling a large tank (it took up a quarter of his pickup bed) that I might like to get in a different, faster line. I looked, saw that that would be complicated, and said "Thanks, I just be patient…". He said, "Man, that's something I sure don't have!" My heart simply said, "I could teach you to be patient, if you'd like…" He looked at my a little surprised (so was I… that I had just said that) but my heart had my hand give him a copy of The Love Declaration, saying "Just do your best to live this, and I promise you, you'll become much more patient"…

You get the idea, I'm sure… the several minutes of our conversation content after that is not what was important… but the communion it contained was. And in those moments, for that man, a new possibility occurred. A very simple, very ancient possibility. The possibility that none of us are actually separated from each other.

As we live this moment blessing each other, we all remember this.




My partnership request.... Please consider yourself an important gateway this message is passing through on its way to others. Please do 'send it on'. Thank you.


Rev. David Seacord

Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag



(my fine art website)


(archived writings and poetry, circa 2002 to 2004)


(archived 2010 writings on the lessons of A Course in Miracles)


(archived entries of this years Everyman's Journal)


(info on The Love Declaration)

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